Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live; And do not let me be ashamed of my hope- Psalm 119:116


About Dominion Outreach

Mission and Vision Statement



Leading people into the knowledge of God through an in-depth study of The Word of God, prevailing prayer, and spiritual worship



To Become a Church of Healthy Spiritual, Physical and Financial Membership With a Strong Drive for the Expansion of the Kingdom of God on Earth Through Unrelenting Propagation of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ

This is our own unique way of leading numerous souls, especially those who are still outside the gate back to God. Be richly blessed as you to continue surfing this website from time to time in Jesus' name.

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Welcome to Our

Welcome to Christ Apostolic Church (Dominion Outreach). We are firm believers that teach an understanding of God’s word which brings life changing in people’s lives.Our key purpose is transforming and changing people into spiritual maturity through profound quality teaching, discipleship, and practical prayer life that is purely based on the word of God. Remember"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work." (2 Tim 3:16-17). So at Christ Apostolic Church (Dominion Outreach), we accept everyone as they are then help each and everyone to become pure and holy through the God’s word.

Pastor Ezekiel A. Oladele
Senior Pastor
What we believe?


The Church believes in the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the father being the Supreme God, maker of heaven and earth, and the creator of all creatures. Therefore Christian teaching of the Trinity states that God exists eternally as three persons who, while distinct, are equally and fully God.
Why is it necessary that we believe this? The Bible reveals there is one God. It also shows that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are God. If we don’t believe in God, we fall at the first hurdle. Other world religions offer other and many gods. We need to be clear that the Bible says there is one true God; all others are false and ‘man-made’ (idols). The Bible says that God exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is difficult to understand, but at the beginning of Scripture God says ‘let us make man in our image (Genesis 1:26). A very simplistic way to understand this is to look at water. Water can exist in three states; liquid, solid form – ice, and as a vapour – steam. At each state the water is different in form and appearance, yet still water. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each distinct, yet each God.
Useful Scriptures: Matt 28:19, 2 Cor 13:14, 1 John 5:7

Through his life and death Jesus provided fully for our salvation. When we trust in him as our Saviour we are completely forgiven and declared to be in right standing with God. We are now set apart for God. By the Holy Spirit’s power we can grow in the Christ-likeness God requires of us.
Why is it necessary that we believe this? We could never in our own efforts make ourselves right with God; it is humanly impossible. Many religions try to do this but all will fail. It required that God did something which we couldn’t. Jesus died for us, taking our sin upon himself. When we believe this, God declares that we are forgiven and declared right with Him. It is like a courtroom where someone pays the fine of the guilty person and the judge declares that since the crime has been paid for, the guilty person no longer has to face the consequences of the offence. In addition to being declared ‘not guilty’ by God, he doesn’t leave us as being ‘just forgiven’, but calls us to be his people and live for him. God is holy and pure and he requires that we also follow him in this way. Not a ‘holier than thou’ attitude, but someone whose life reflects something of Jesus in every aspect. The Holy Spirit helps us to do this.
Useful Scriptures: Rom 3:21-24, 2 Cor 3:17-18, Eph 4:23-24

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is followed by clear evidences of the Spirit’s work such as speaking in tongues, seeing vision, dreaming, and prophesying. This is the reason why Pentecostal churches like CAC are called “Spiritual” churches.
Why is it necessary that we believe this? When we read the Bible there are many instances recorded where people had a definite experience of being filled by the Holy Spirit. This is how the church actually came into existence. This baptism is to give the individual a strength or power to live as a Christian.
Useful Scriptures: Matt 3:11, Mark 16:17, Acts 1:8, Acts 2, Acts 10:44-48

Water baptism is the first step after being admitted to the Church. Jesus commanded that new believers be plunged in water to symbolise our sharing in the benefits of his saving work. His death and resurrection are the permanent basis of Christian life. Therefore he also ordained that he church should meet to remember him be eating bread and drinking wine as symbols of his body and blood. The lower age limit for baptism is 12 years and only an ordained pastor of the church can perform the baptism. To partake in the Lord’s super, a member must be 12 years old and above and not practice polygamy. If the husband is a polygamist, the first wife qualifies to partake.
Why is it necessary that we believe this? Jesus himself was baptised not to repent of sin, but to identify himself with our humanity. It was a significant moment in his life and it is the same for us. God recognises that when we do an act it helps us to appreciate what the symbolic act means. By being baptised, it helps us understand something of the ‘death’ of our old life and the resurrection of our new one in serving Christ. Similarly, with communion, this meal helps us to focus regularly and consider what Jesus accomplished when he died for us. It should be a special time of reflection and worship when we eat this meal. Really no more need be said, other than Jesus told us to do it.
Useful Scriptures: Matt 3:16-17, Matt 28:19, 1 Cor 11:23-26, Rom 6:3-14
Our Past Hero

Our Past Leaders


Prophet David O. Babajide

2nd General Evangelist (1959-1991)


Pastor J. A. Medaiyese

3rd General Superintendent (1964-1975)


Pastor Isaac Babalola Akinyele

1st President (1943-1964)


Prophet Joseph Ayo Babalola

1st General Evangelist (1943-1959)

Church Address- 30 Ash Drive Manchester M27 9RS
Office Address- Unit 5A, Ellesmere House, Pennington Street Walkden Manchester. M28 3LR 24/7 hotline calls. we are ready for you

Have any Questions?

+44 7459 832485

Office Address:

Unit 5A, Ellesmere House, Pennington Street Walkden Manchester. M28 3LR

Church Address:

30 Ash Drive Manchester M27 9RS

Call Us For Help:

+44 7459 832485

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